Monday, February 23, 2015

Open House
March 3 & 12

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


That's the call of the Beautiful Barred Owl we met today at Atwood Bird's of Prey. We met two lovely owls up close: the Barred Owl pictured here and a Great Horned Owl. In the outdoor exhibit we met and heard an eagle (pictured below) , saw a turkey vulture,  red tail hawk and a cute little screech owl.  We learned a lot about owls like: the fly very quietly, the like to live near water, this barred owl only weighs 1.5 lbs. and they turn their heads to see because their eyes don't move like human eyes  We also learned never to throw food out the car windows because the food attracts little critters like mice.  The owls like to eat mice and then owls can be injured by cars.  Not good!  That's what happen to these injured owls in the exhibit.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Cookie Dough Fundraiser kicks off Oct 10th!  Six Yummy Choices from Cookies By Design!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, September 22, 2008

Buttons and Belle are part of our Sock Monkey Program at Hiland Hill. The sock monkey socks (Red Heal Socks) originated here in Rockford, IL. This original program created for Hiland Hill Preschool, helps to encourage responsibility with an emphasis on language arts.

The children look forward to the opportunity to take a sock monkey home and share the adventures with their classmates. This school year the children may choose from two monkeys, Buttons or Belle. Belle is an addition to our original program and Mr. Sock Monkey, renamed Buttons is now fully dressed.